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Company Registration in Coimbatore

Tuesday, 28-April-2020


The instrument of transfer in such form duly completed in all respects and duly stamped to the effect, as the case may, is delivered within two months from the date so stamped or endorsed.

Sub-section (3) of section 108 provides that the provisions of this section also do not apply to transfer of a security effected by the transferor and the transferee both of whom are entered as beneficial owners in the records of a depository.

If the instrument of transfer and the share certificates have been received from a person other than the transferee and the shares are partly paid, the company must send a notice to theĀ· transferee and also to the transferor to ensure that the transfer is genuine and the transferee has agreed to pay the balance amount due on shares as and when called for by the company.

The company must ensure that the instrument of transfer has been lodged with it within the period of its validity according to the date/stamp of the prescribed authority affixed on it as per requirement of Sub-section (1 A) of Section 108 of the Act. Any share transfer form received by the company after its validity period has expired, the company should return the form to the person who had lodged the same with the Company Registration in Coimbatore. The transferee should be advised to get the same revalidated.

Under the simplified procedure, the applicant has to submit an application in Form No. 7C to the Reg'strar of Companies (either before or after the expiry of the validity period) aion;] vvith a fee of Rs.50/- where the nominal value of the shares is upto RS.5,OOOI . :'i".~ Lis 11)0/ where the nominal value of shares exceeds Rs.5,OOOI-. The Registrar or dl(;; ~"0S;3tant fiegistrar makes an endorsement on the transfer deed with the help of a rubber stamp on the day of receipt of the application and returns the same to the investor concerneo aCfOSS the table.

The company must make sure that where the shares have been purchased by a company, the instrument of transfer and the relevant share certificate(s) must have been lodged with the company along with a certified copy of the memorandum of association of the buying company and a certified copy of the Board resolution authorising a director or the other person who has signed the share transfer form on behalf of the company as transferee. The company must also ensure that the memorandum of association of the buying company contains an objects clause authorising the company to invest in the shares of other companies.

The Companies Act allows two months' time within which the share transfer should be registered, but the listing agreement of the stock exchanges require that all transfers must be registered within one month from the date of lodgement. Therefore, if the shares of the company are listed on one or more recognised stock exchanges, the company must make sure that the registration of transfer of shares must be completed in thirty days. It means that tile. Certificate of Securities duly registered on transfer should be delivered or despatched within thirty days. A certificate to this effect is required to be placed before the meeting of the Board of directors of the listed of Company http://www.companyregistrationincoimbatore.in/.